Google Sheets
Google Calendar

There are also some significant enhancements to the web service connector toolkit.
As you may know – Lucy comes with a comprehensive toolkit to build your own connectors using point-and-click configuration.

This toolkit has become more powerful now and gives you more control over your connectors.
You can use javascript code to write custom processing logic for inputs to your connector and can run custom processing and data transformations on the results.

In fact, all the 3 connectors we have enabled in this release were built using the same connector toolkit that you have access to.


Using the google sheets connector

Using the Google Sheets Connector

You can query any data range from a Google Sheet as well as append data to an existing Sheet using the connector.

Search for ‘Google Sheets’ in the block library to find the available functionality.

To use them, find them under the ‘Google Sheets’ category and drop them into the staging area.
You need to connect the block to your Google Account and authorize Lucy to access it.
Once you do this, you can read data from any Sheet and append data to any Sheet.
All you need is the url of your Sheet – you can find it by simply opening the sheet and copying the url from the browser.

Appending Data

One of the most common use cases is to append data to a list in a Sheet.
You can use the AppendData block for that. As inputs, you need to specify the Google Sheet url, a cell range for the table you want to append data to, and a JSON array of values to append.
Here, a table just means a contiguous block of data. And you just need to give a cell range that falls within the table.
Google will figure out the ‘breadth’ of the table and append data to the end of it. This is a great way to keep track of items in a lightweight manner and share a dynamically updating list of data with others.


Using the Google Calendar Connector

Using the Google Calendar Connector

You can use the Google Calendar Connector to create, modify and delete events on the calendar from Lucy.
There are also events available that will trigger whenever a calendar item is created, modified or deleted.
You need to sync your Google Account and authorize Lucy to access the calendar app. Once this is done, you can use Lucy to access all calendars in your Google Account.
For each operation, along with the account, you need to supply the calendar id.

For your main calendar, this will be your Google email address.
For secondary calendars, you can find the id by going to settings and scrolling down to the bottom. You can respond to create/modified/deleted events on the calendar by adding the appropriate event handler when creating a new action sequence.

Using the Zoom Connector

Zoom is a fantastic video conferencing solution that we use quite regularly.
It provides an API for doing many things – right now the Zoom connector for Lucy lets you schedule meetings.
You can find the Zoom blocks in the block list to access its functionality.
You need to authorize Lucy to access your Zoom account.
You also need to specify the email address of the Zoom user that the operation is being done on behalf of.

One common use case we are already adopting internally:
Since we have a limited number of Zoom users, we created a shared Google Calendar to keep track of who’s using Zoom and when.
Using Lucy, we can sync our Google Calendar with Zoom so anyone authorized can book Zoom meetings via Google Calendar.

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